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ESO – Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator EAD

Entity presentation

Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator EAD (abbreviation: ESO) is the Independent Transmission System Operator of Bulgaria. Its main responsibility is to manage, develop and operate the national high voltage power transmission system. ESO guarantees, responsibly and professionally, the secure, reliable and uninterrupted domestic electricity supply while controlling power flow transits through the Bulgarian power system and its parallel operation with the Continental Europe Synchronous Area within ENTSO-E. The company manages the national power system ensuring its balanced and quality operation on a 24/7/365 basis.

Partner Role

As a partner in this project, the ESO will perform system user requirement analysis, technical advisory on grid-related aspects, data input and analytics for transmission system modeling, result analysis, communication, dissemination and promotion, project management contribution, and input to standardization activitie

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