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LE2C – Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster

Entity presentation

The Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster is a non-profit organization recognised as the Regional Technology Cluster for Energy and Environment by the Region of Lombardy. It is composed of 150 members (large companies, SMEs, universities and research centres, industrial associations and non-profit bodies, institutions from the public sector, and financial institutions). The MISSION of LE2C is to foster the Cleantech and energy sector and to create synergies among its members to improve innovation and competitiveness. LE2C has identified 6 Focus Areas, Smart Energy Systems, Sustainable Manufacturing, Green Building, Water-Energy Nexus, Clean Air, and Circular Economy, where research centers and companies work together to develop innovative projects and raise new business opportunities.

Partner Role

LE2C will involve its network of energy sectors and ensure the operationality of the new tools and models to plan their energy transition strategies considering both short-term disruptions and long-term evolution of the network. Thanks to the project results, LE2C will test different scenarios of the energy transition and support policies’ implementation for less-consuming and more energy-efficient networks, in particular through the integration of low-carbon energy carriers, end enhancing industrial symbiosis. Additional industrials will be targeted during the project to foster long-term energy transition planning solutions in Europe.

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