
The South-Eastern region replication case, comprising Greece and Bulgaria, encompasses a total of 19 NUTS Level 2 regions. Both countries are embarking on significant energy transitions, as evidenced by the formulation of new National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) spanning the period from 2021 to 2030. These NECPs underscore ambitious targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and the expansion of renewable energy sources, including offshore wind, hydrogen, and energy storage solutions such as batteries and pump hydro facilities. Additionally, Greece has committed to phasing out lignite by 2028/2025, marking a decisive shift towards cleaner energy sources.

Furthermore, recent developments in cross-border infrastructure, such as the operationalisation of Greece-Bulgaria electricity and gas interconnectors, underscore the region’s commitment to fostering energy cooperation and integration.

However, despite these advancements, the region lacks a comprehensive model operating at the NUTS Level 2 scale since all current analyses are based on national-level models, that do not provide information on regional planning, grid expansion and investment location. iDesignRES will address this gap by introducing the first model tailored to the South-Eastern region at a NUTS Level 2 granularity.

Which scenarios will be demonstrated?

Within the South-Eastern region use case, iDesignRES will operate a range of scenarios including:

  • Scenarios to net-zero emissions based on different technologies (e.g., focus on electricity, hydrogen, or synthetic fuels, etc)
  • National priorities: Lignite phase out in Greece, 6000 MWh capacity batteries in Bulgaria until 2026.
  • Optimal interconnections between Greece and Bulgaria for the reduction of costs and avoidance of unnecessary investments: electricity/gas interconnections with countries and islands, V2G and electromobility, energy poverty reduction.
  • Integration of energy consumers: demand response, energy communities, energy savings in buildings